It's been awhile since I last posted something..I've been a little busy.. So I thought I would try and condense the month for everyone.
First and Foremost: we were FINALLY able to get antibiotics for Griffin. This was a huge victory for us. He was put on a 2 week dose and as soon as he took the first dose he felt better. We are now done the 2 weeks and he seems to be ok, I still got to keep an eye on him to make sure we don't have to go back on antibiotics.. Oh the joys..
We went camping for the first time as a family this May. I will actually be doing a seperate post on that later...let's just say I'm not a camper!
The weather here hasn't been great either and I am noticing that people are not very happy. I don't know if it is because of the weather or if it's just getting to the end of school and everyone is tired..God kows I am..
June is a crazy busy month for us and it appears that this year will be as well. Virginia's softball team has made the Districts and they have games all this coming weekend. I am so proud of her! She tries hard every game, she might not be the best, but she has the best attitude! Griffin is wrapping up ball hockey and his team will be in the playoffs. Let's hope they make it to the finals!! He is also playing so well in softball. He loves playing sports! And my little Landon is finishing up Preschool. I am crushed.. I have been taking kids to preschool for 7 straight years and I am so sad that part of my life is over. I now am the mom of school aged kids...
And lastly: The Vancouver Canuks got kicked out of the playoffs by the Chicago Blackhawks..This was a disaster for our city..It hasn't been pretty...But at least the Blackhawks are now fighting to win the Stanley Cup and there are lots of BC boys on the team, so since we can't cheer for the disappointing Canucks....GO BLACKHAWKS GO!!
I'll Miss This
8 years ago
I hope you are doing well!!